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Goals and A Lot on the To Do List

Posted on July 6, 2011 at 10:34 PM

Except on the days when I kickbox, my exercise goal has fallen by the wayside. Not good. I was reading today about yoga. I know how to do it. I took a semester of yoga classes years ago, so I may try that at home.

The writing goal has suffered with 100 or 200 words, but today we're back at 1000 words. I find when you have too much on the to do list. Life just knocks the wind out of you for a while. Right now, the kitties are playing and I'm writing a little more before I go to bed.

My hero and heroine are in the bathtub. They're so much fun.

I'm in a lot of contests too. This website is part of the Night Owl Reviews Web Scavenger Hunt. See their graphic in the sidebar of the homepage and visit their site to see how to play.

On the Nights of Passion blog (see link on horizontal menu), I'm part of the Skyrockets in Flight Blog Hop Giveaway. You must go to that page on Nights of Passion to enter. Be sure to read the directions there.

I'm also packing giveaways for the Authors After Dark Convention in Philadelphia in August. I will be raffling off a basket of goodies for charity. I'm putting together a prize for the banner scavenger hunt there. I will also have on me multiple things to give away. So if you're going to Authors After Dark, be sure to say hi.

I'm so behind in putting my costume together. Oh, well. I'm back to my characters. Where did I leave them? Oh, yes, fooling around in the bathtub. I tell you I can't leave them for a second without they ... LOL


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