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Susan Hanniford Crowley

Author of Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction, & Fantasy

Specializing in Vampires and Rare Supernaturals & Now Young Adult Adventures

Where love burns eternal and whispers in the dark!



David & Laura

A Vampire Christmas Story:

An Arnhem Knights Special Edition.  

Is available in Kindle and Paperback!

What do vampires do on Christmas Eve in New York City?

The Arnhem Knights of New York party! Then, they patrol the city for trouble.

David Hilliard, vampire, son of the King, and Captain of the Arnhem Knights, is bound by his oath to protect humans from death by vampires and to help sup
ernaturals in distress. He is the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. Over the years, David has learned how to fit in with the humans of New York.

Laura Cordelais Hilliard, Telkhine, vampire, wife to the Captain, and Arnhem Kni
ght, is as beautiful as she is dangerous. She keeps secrets even from her husband. Laura has a gift from her Telkhine ancestors. Everything she is makes her the sharpest, strongest, and fastest Knight. Perhaps more fierce than the Vampire King of New York himself.

For David and Laura, Christmas Eve means celebrating their marriage. But something is coming. Laura feels it in the air. There’s an unusual power somewhere in the city, and it's getting stronger and stronger.

10 21 23 Shadows of David & Laura cover (1).jpg
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EverNight, Book 2
of the Young Supernaturals of New York

Is available in Kindle and Paperback!

My second book is for ages 13 to 113 too!

Do you love sweet romance? Vampires?

Werewolves? Dragons? Faeries? Shapeshifters?

Bravery? Danger? Love?

Then EverNight is also for you!

Set in New York City at Christmastime.



Is available in Kindle and Paperback!

For ages 13 to 113!

Do you love sweet romance? Vampires?

Werewolves? Bravery? Danger? Love?

Then EverWarm is for you!

      Set in New York City at Christmastime,

EverWarm is a sweet teen vampire adventure romance.

It is the first in the Young Supernaturals of New York



Mother Teresa said, “There is more hunger for love and appreciation in the world than for bread.”

Excerpt #1

For Maeve, every moment on the streets was about two things: where could she find food and a safe warm place to sleep. But today she stood in a crowd transfixed by one of a store’s many Christmas display windows. She allowed herself this time to just be sixteen in New York City.

The faces of the tiny ballerinas were each different, unique. The only thing they shared was that they lived in a sugar plum village and performed a synchronized dance. Maeve stood entranced, remembering when she was five and her mother gave her a ballerina doll. A tear rolled down her cheek and she turned away from the sweet memory.


Sixteen-year-old Mike Harris pulled his peacoat tighter and slipped his hands into his gloves. Even though the wind rushed through him with its fierce cold, he did not move from his space in the crowd. She was here again today.

As much as he admired the perfect art of the tiny automated ballerinas dancing beneath swirling snowflakes, he admired her more. The girl had her own perfection in his mind with her bright green eyes and soft cinnamon red hair. Looking so pretty and sweet, she watched the figures in the window but never once looked his way.

Mike guessed she was around sixteen. Today he would summon his courage and talk to her.

Excerpt #2

A blood-chilling scream pierced the night air.

“What is that?” She leaped to her feet. “Mike!” Maeve ran in the direction of the terrifying sound. 

Joe chased after her. “Don’t run into the dark, Maeve!”

A strange feeling shivered through her body. The screams weakened almost strangled. Sheer panic and dread caused her to turn down street after street. With her box cutter in hand, she ran faster.

A lone streetlight like a bare cold moon shone down on a body. The shadowy figure hovering above it twisted in her direction. Glowing red eyes glared at her. Then it rushed right at her.


Lady Fallon's Dragons

My first book for ages 13 to 113

A wondrous tale of contemporary dragons and a young woman fighting for her life.  There's action, intrigue, sweet romance, and loads of dragons!

Lady Fallon's Dragons is available in
Amazon Paperback and Kindle,
NookKoboSmashwords &

Scribd with more ebook formats to come!
The excerpt is here:'s-dragons

The Vampire with a Blanket

of Stars,

Book 3 in the Arnhem Knights of New York series

is available in paperback and Kindle. You can find it on Amazon at

   It's a love story that takes place during World War II and into the present day. It is a vampire romance novel set mostly in Romania but does not have anything to do with Dracula. This is the story of the first son of King Maximillion Vander Meer of New York. This Prince has a lot to offer - eternal life and intense love that doesn't pale in the sunlight.



   Night fell with the snow. Vampire Prince Razvan stood at a crossroads in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania. On that cold wintry night in 1938, something unseen spoke to his heart, and he led his companions into the forest.   

   A flash of silver in the dark! A whisper to his heart so soft it ached!

   Then he saw the gypsy encampment in the deep woods and knew they would take refuge there for the rest of the night.

   At first, she hid behind the others. But when she peeked out, his heart was lost gazing into the exotic blue eyes of the raven-haired beauty. He felt the excitement rushing through her blood like wine, making her reckless and wild. She should have been afraid of him. His dark visions of the future should have terrified her. Still, she remained spellbound by his gaze and would not turn away.

   While the others slept, two hearts stood in the snow hidden behind a tree, watched by the stars. But it would not stay night forever.


The 2nd book in the Arnhem Knights of New York series is

Vampire Princess of New York

Currently Out of Print

   Noblesse is the daughter of the Vampire King of New York Maximillion Vander Meer. In the over two hundred years she's been a vampire, Noblesse has never found true love or discovered what happened to her mother who disappeared just prior to the French Revolution.

  Noblesse has to choose between two men. Both profess their love. Both are keeping a secret from her. One wants to destroy her, and one wants to love her forever. But which one?

The 1st book in the Arnhem Knights of New York series is

Vampire King of New York

   Max Vander Meer is a modern-day Viking, CEO of VMeer Industries, and a Vampire. He makes a plea to the Goddess Freya to find the only woman who can heal his heart, the woman haunting his dreams.

   But, the Goddess strikes a bargain with him. To find this special woman, Max must return to the city he helped build-New York, which is threatened by an ancient terror.

   When he meets Evelyn, he is astounded. Could she be the one who inhabits his dreams? But Evelyn is haunted by loss and betrayal. How can Max win her love when she doesn't trust him as a man, and she doesn't want to be a vampire?

   If Max returns to Iceland without her, he will be encased in ice . . . forever!


To see my other books available in Amazon print and Kindle ebook, please, visit

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